Lviv University along with Lviv Regional Arbitration Managers Council and the Western Regional Administration of the Ministry of Justice Started their Cooperation

Lviv Regional Arbitration Managers Council, the Western Regional Administration of the Ministry of Justice and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv signed the Memorandum on Cooperation on 20 April, 2020. The document was signed at the university’s History museum by Volodymyr...

The Representatives of 19 countries of the world participated in the 4th French International conference

The 4th French international scientific and practical interdisciplinary conference “Languages, sciences and practices” (4-ième Colloque international francophone en Ukraine “Langues, Sciences et Pratiques”) started on On 8 April 2021. The scientific forum due to the quarantine restrictions was held online...

Lviv University joined the “All digital Week 2021”

All Digital Week — is an annual information campaign dedicated to the development of citizens’ digital habits. This year the European Digital Week was firstly held in Ukraine at the state level during 22-28 March together with the partners and...

Transition to Temporary Online Studying has been Introduced at the University since March, 15

According to the decree No. O-17 issued by the university president on 11 March, 2021, the resolution No. 104 “On introducing amendments to certain acts by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine” issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine...

The Third Wurces Winter School has come to an end

The certificate ceremony on the successful accomplishment of the 3rd Wurces Winter School of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence was held at the faculty of International Relations at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The school was conducted...