
Melnyk Vira Viacheslavivna


The evolution of the political process in Ukraine (by the example of the Volyn region)

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The comprehensive politological analysis of the flow of the political process in Ukraine by the example of the Volyn region has been carried out in the thesis. The theoretical and methodological approaches to the research, basic directions of the scientific elaboration of the concept «political process» in the foreign and the domestic political science have been considered.

The peculiarities of the regional authoritative structures’ formation process and their connection with the Soviet past of Ukraine have been thrashed out. The evolution of the presidential power vertical, the occurrence of the institutions of the Representative of the President, the Volyn regional and district state administrations, their influence on the development of the political process in the region have been shown.

The dynamics of the emergence of the primary party organizations in the region, the specifics of their structure formation and personnel potential in the context of the transformation of the Ukraine party system have been revealed.

The genesis of the political pluralism in the Volyn region is connected with the foundation of the social organizations focused on democracy and human rights promotion, in the depths of which the primary organizations of the political parties arose.

The party system in the first half of the 1990s. displayed evident features of the polarized pluralism system with the leftist parties opposed to the national-patriotic political unions. The second half of the 1990s. and the beginning of the 2000s. were characterized by the process of the massive occurrence of the pragmatic centrist parties. The correlation of the process of the massive occurrence of the primary party organizations in the region together with the regularity of the electoral cycle at the  election of the central and local authorities have been demonstrated.

The analysis of the formation of civil society institutions’ processes has been carried out, the dynamics of their occurrence, the character and the directions of the social and political activity, forms of the collaboration with the bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government have been shown.

The forms of the massive political involvement of the citizens in the events of the Orange revolution in 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity in 2013–2014 in all districts of the region, cities of regional significance and certain rural settlements have been determined.

Keywords: political process, state power bodies, local government bodies, Volyn region, social organizations, political parties, region, local democracy.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File