
Mykulchyk Roman Bohdanovych


Eponymous terms in language of Ukrfinian hysical terminology: features of structure and functioning

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The dissertation deals with eponimic terms in Ukrainian physical terminology on synchronous section as a separate system with its core and periphery. We consider the elaboration degree of eponymic terms in Ukrainian terminological systems, such as medicine, mathematics, law etc. In the dissertation were analyzed tendencies of eponymic terms research in world linguistics. Differences between surname terms, from surname terms and eponyms was found. There was described their structure and main word building models, main thematic and lexical-semantic groups was found. By origin these terms are mostly borrowed. Such a way eponymous terms have some contradictions, inaccuracies, requiring particular attention to their spelling.

There was found simple (ньютон, вольт, паскаль  etc.), complex (амперметр, вольтоскоп, кіловольт etc.) and compound (закон Ома, стала Рідберга, вольт-амперна характеристика etc.) eponym. Were found international term components, which are used in complex eponyms construction.

Particular attention is paid to paradigmatic relations (synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, hyper-hiponimy) in system of physical eponyms, that often have its own specificity in comparison to the general vocabulary. Allocated main types of variancies: 1) accent variants, f.e. бớзе–газ – бозé–газ; бớзе–конденсат – бозé–конденсат тощо; 2) fonematic variants, f.e. Лапласарівняння Ляпласа, градус Кельвінаґрадус Кельвіна etc; 3) morphological variants f.e. фарад – фарада; 4) derivative variants f.e. індекси Міллера – міллерівські індекси, ефект Доплера – доплерівський ефект – Доплерів ефект etc; 5) combined variants f.e. статистика Бớзе-Ейнштейна, статистика Бозé-Ейнштейна, статистика Бớзе-Айнштайна, статистика Бозé-Айнштайна etc. Iwo types of synonymy were studied: synonymy between eponymous terms and synonymy between eponymous terms and terms without eponymous component. Characteristic types of antonymy are described: lexical antonymy (f.e. рівняння Бернуллі – нерівність Бернуллі), semantic antonymy (f.e. рівняння Ньютона рівняння Максвела) and lexical-semantic antonymy (f.e. стаціонарне рівняння Шрединґера – нестаціонарне рівняння Шрединґера). By origin there are mostly borrowed terms, writing of which has some contradictions, inaccuracies, requiring particular attention to their spelling.

The paper detailed syntagmatics of eponymous terms, their right-side and left-side compatibility in complex and composite structures. This particular derivational compatibility with international term elements, which indicate the degree of the numbers, names of meters etc. In compound terms surname components of family join to words рівняння, закон, формула, ефект, стала, сила etc.

Eponyms take an important place in the terminology of physics.

Key words: Ukrainian physical terminology, eponymous terms, thematic and lexical-semantic groups, paradigmatics and syntagmatics of physical eponymous terms, origin of eponymous terms, their spelling problems.

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